Sunday, April 26, 2009

Audrey Kawasaki

A couple months ago, my best friend introduced me to the works of a very talented artist by the name of Audrey Kawasaki. A perfect summary of her work can be found on her site, as follows

"The themes in Audrey Kawasaki's work are contradictions within themselves. Her work is both innocent and erotic. Each subject is attractive yet disturbing. Audrey's precise technical style is at once influenced by both manga comics and Art Nouveau. Her sharp graphic imagery is combined with the natural grain of the wood panels she paints on, bringing an unexpected warmth to enigmatic subject matter."

The twenty-seven year old Los Angeles based artist is famous for her paintings of adolescent young girls that portrays both an innocent and, at the same time, erotic tone, an extremely difficult balance for anyone to achieve. Her paintings are painted directly onto wooden panels with oil paints.

Personally, I love they style and softness of her paintings, however, they kind of creep me out at the same time. I think the beauty and slightly disturbing nature of her art works are what draws people to her work.

Her site can be found here: Audrey Kawasaki
Her blog can be found here: Okonomide

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